echo "Debug: Natty DVI" if test "${beaglerev}" = "xMA"; then echo "Kernel is not ready for 1Ghz limiting to 800Mhz" setenv mpurate 800 fi if test "${beaglerev}" = "xMB"; then echo "Kernel is not ready for 1Ghz limiting to 800Mhz" setenv mpurate 800 fi if test "${beaglerev}" = "xMC"; then echo "Kernel is not ready for 1Ghz limiting to 800Mhz" setenv mpurate 800 fi setenv dvimode 1280x720MR-16@60 setenv vram 12MB setenv bootcmd 'fatload mmc 0:1 0x80300000 uImage; fatload mmc 0:1 0x81600000 uInitrd; bootm 0x80300000 0x81600000' setenv bootargs console=ttyO2,115200n8 console=tty0 root=/dev/mmcblk0p5 ro vram=${vram} omapfb.mode=dvi:${dvimode} fixrtc buddy=${buddy} mpurate=${mpurate} boot